FOUNTAIN, deceased, was numbered among the Marshall county
pioneers of 1852, and deservedly ranked high among the best
citizens of the county. He was a native of Sussex county, New
Jersey, born July 26, 1808. In his youth, he removed to Ohio,
and there formed the acquaintance of Miss Jane McGINNIS, a
native of that state, born March 5, 1818. They were duly wedded,
and in 1846 removed to Peoria county, Illinois, locating about
one mile from Farmington, where he engaged in agricultural
pursuits. Having in early life learned the trade of a shoe
maker, he did some little cobbling, and made all the boots and
shoes in use by the family. This he continued for some years
after coming to Illinois. He also learned the cooper’s trade,
and in dull seasons of farm work, he was employed in that line.
Industriously inclined, and with an earnest desire to better
himself in life, he let few moments go idly by. If he could not
work at one thing he could at another, and so it was, as the
years went by, he continually added to his possessions.
After remaining in Peoria county some six years, Mr. FOUNTAIN
removed with his family to Marshall county, locating near the
boundary line between Bureau and Marshall counties, and about
one mile from the old village of Whitefield. He remained on that
farm, however, but one year, removing in 1853 to the present
family homestead, purchasing four hundred acres of wild prairie
land, for which he paid fourteen dollars per acre. He at once
commenced the improvement of the place, and the house he there
built is yet standing and in use by the family. It is a
two-story brick structure, and Mr. FOUNTAIN carried the workmen
all the brick and mortar used in its erection.
FOUNTAIN made the purchase of his land on time, using what
little money he had in the erection of his dwelling and in other
improvements. Grain was a profitable commodity at that time and
he put almost the entire farm in grain of various kinds,
including corn, wheat and oats. Success crowned his efforts, and
in due time his farm was paid for and eighty acres added to it.
He also bought a farm near Henry, on which he built a nice
residence and there resided for a time. The change, however, was
not satisfactory and he returned to the old homestead, where he
continued to reside until called to the upper and better world.
While Mr. FOUNTAIN was a hard working man and never suffered
his pleasures to interfere with his business, he yet spent many
a pleasant day in sport. There were few, if any, better shots in
the country with a rifle, and game fared hard if within his
rifle reach. In politics he was a strong and enthusiastic
republican, and during the war was a firm supporter of the
government. Two of his sons he gave to the service, one of whom
died from quick consumption three months after his enlistment,
brought on by exposure. The other, Orlando, raised a company for
the Eighty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, was commissioned
captain, and later was promoted major of the regiment. He served
three years and until the close of the war.
To Mr. and
Mrs. FOUNTAIN seven children were born: Orlando, now resides at
Santa Rosa, California, where he is engaged in the boot and shoe
trade; Elizabeth married William PROCTOR, and now resides in
Lamoure county, North Dakota; Martha is the wife of Oliver
PEARSON, of Wabash, Indiana; Henry died in the army at the age
of twenty-one years; Milton resides on the home farm; Edward W.
is also deceased; and James is also on the home farm, which he
operates in partnership with Milton. James married Miss Sarah E.
JOHNSON, October 27, 1886, by whom he has one child, Luella. Her
father, Francis M. JOHNSON, was a native of Washington county,
Pennsylvania, and there married Jane BROWN, also a native of
same county and state. Their marriage was celebrated November 8,
1849, in Licking county, Ohio, where they both then resided. In
1855, they removed to Marshall county, Illinois, locating on a
farm near the old village of Whitefield. On that farm they
remained a few years, removing thence to a farm across the line
in Bureau county, where they lived about three years, and again
returned to the old farm, but later purchased forty acres
adjoining on the west, on which was a very nice residence, and
where the remainder of their days were spent. They were the
parents of seven children: George W.; William Oren, now residing
near the old home farm; Sarah E., wife of James FOUNTAIN; John
Wesley; Marietta, who married John LONG, and resides near Afton,
Iowa; Frances Emeline, who married John TOWNLEY, of
Chesterville, Texas; and Luella Jane.
Mr. JOHNSON was a
member of the Methodist church, and Mrs. JOHNSON of the
Presbyterian church. She was converted at the age of twelve
years, and lived a consistent Christian life to the end. Both
died in the full assurance of faith. Mr. JOHNSON was never
physically a strong man, but had a very strong mind. For years
he engaged in buying and selling stock, shipping principally to
Chicago. His control over cattle was marvelous, they seeming to
recognize his mastery. He was also a good judge of horseflesh.
His death occurred in November, 1885, while his wife survived
him nearly ten years, dying October 6, 1895. Their remains were
interred in Whitefield cemetery. By his will the estate remained
intact until the death of his wife, when it was divided among
the legal heirs.
Mr. and Mrs. FOUNTAIN were zealous
members of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he was a
class-leader for many years. To the work of the church they gave
much of their time and such talents as God had given them. When
the end came they could each say, as did the grand apostle of
the Gentiles, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith, and henceforth there is laid up
for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous
Judge, shall give me in that day.” Mr. FOUNTAIN was the first to
be called home, his death occurring November 3, 1891. Six weeks
later his wife followed him, dying December 17, 1891. Side by
side their bodies were interred in the family lot in the old
cemetery in Whitefield township, there to await the resurrection
day. Kind and loving to family and friends, and loyal to their
God, their memory is cherished by all with whom they were
Extracted May 2011 by Norma Hass from The Biographical Record of Bureau, Marshall and Putnam Counties, Illinois, 1896.
Bureau Putnam La Salle | |||
Stark |
![]() |
Peoria | Woodford |