Biographical paragraphs of the residents of Saratoga Township, Marshall County, Illinois, as penned by Ellsworth Spencer in Records of the Olden Time, published in 1880.
Mr. TOWNSEND is a merchant residing in Camp Grove, Saratoga township. He was born in Pike county, Ohio, n 1850, and came west with his parents in 1853. His father located at Camp Grove the same year. Mr. T. married Miss J. E. HOUGHTALING in 1875. She was born in Beardstown, and have had three children, one of whom died in December, 1879. Stella and Henry Everet are living. Mr. TOWNSEND has been in the mercantile business since 1876. He carries a general stock of all goods suitable to his trade. He owns a fractional 80 acres of land where he is doing business, - section 31. He has been postmaster since 1877. He is a successful young business man.
Mr. GARY is a fanner, living on section 33. Postoffice, Sparland. He was born in Albany county, New York, in 1830, and located in this county in 1854, where he has followed farming ever since. He married Miss Henrietta HALSTED in 1869. She was born in Albany county, New York. They have one son, Charles D. Mrs. GARY is a member of the M. E. church. Mr. C. is justice of the peace at the present time, and has been for the last seven years, and has also been school trustee. He owns 160 acres of land, all in good cultivation.
Mr. RAY was born in Ohio county, Va., in 1815, and located in this state in 1853. He married Miss Mary BECKS in 1837, born in Washington county, Pa. They have three children, - Elizabeth, Newton and Luther. He is an old resident of the township, owns a good farm of 160 acres, and is very pleasantly situated. He has filled several local offices, and is well known and widely respected.
Mr. DORAN was born in county Meath, Ireland, in 1827. He came to this country in 1851, locating first in New York, and in Illinois in 1854. He married Miss Ellen MORNAN in 1854, also born in Ireland. They have eight children, - Ann, Walter, Philip, Johanah, John, Ellen, Patrick and Bridget E. They are members of the Catholic church. He owns 80 acres with fine improvements. Mr. DORAN is a successful farmer, generous and hospitable.
Mr. SCHOLES was born near Manchester, England, in 1826, and came to the United States when only two years old with his parents, who located in Providence, Rhode Island. They came to Peoria county in 1838, and to this county when he was 18 years of age. He married Miss Lola WILMOT in 1848. She was born in New York, and moved to this state when 18 years old. They have five children living - Ann, Elizabeth, Clarissa F. (FARIS), William and Walter (twins), and George. Has served as justice of the peace for 12 years, school director and trustee, and road commissioner, etc. Mr. SCHOLES owns one of the finest farms in the township, and his home is the abode of every comfort. He is a leading citizen in the county socially, politically and financially, and his family is one of which any parent may be proud.
Mrs. CAMERY was born in Rockingham county, Va., in 1801. She married Mr. Christopher CAMERY in 1821. He was born in Winchester county, Va., in 1791, and died March 11, 1875, leaving nine children - John, James, Christopher, David, Isaac, Elijah, Samuel, Mary and Armand J. Her maiden name was Nancy MESSICK. Mr. CAMERY was a soldier in the war of 1812, and served with distinction, and Mrs. C. claims a pension on his account. She owns 160 acres of land with good improvements.
Mr. COLLINS was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, in 1829. He came to the United States in 1847, when only 18 yean old, and at once assumed his position in the world as a man prepared to battle for his share of God's gifts, clothed with integrity and armed with the strong bow of determination and perseverance. He first worked at daily labor at $6.00 per month, but his aim was upward. He soon discovered that under the bright rays of the western sun under the glorious constitution of this free republic the young shoots of honest labor would bloom for all men alike, the foreigner as well as the native born. He has successfully demonstrated by his grand success, that the narrow-minded prejudice of the few can in no way impede the progress of the many who come to this country to enrich it by their labor. He first located in Chester county, Pa., and in 1851 in Marshall county, Ill. He married Miss Margaret MONIER in 1858. She is a native of the Isle of Man. They have eight children - Sarah J., Thomas, Charles, Annie, James, Charlotta, John and Edward. Mr. COLLINS owns 240 acres of land, all in cultivation. He has just completed undoubtedly the finest residence in the township, furnished in the most elegant and substantial manner from cellar to garret, including all available modern improvements. The location is a very desirable one, commanding a view of the entire country in every direction. He has sold off most of his other property, as he believes that a farm of 240 acres, well managed, is better than a section neglected. He was one of the first in this part of the country to introduce the great improvement of tile draining, and has reaped a large interest from the investment. And lastly we can say, that Mr. COLLINS is not carried away above his fellow men by his success, like too many. He is the same plain, unassuming, kind-hearted, hospitable man he always was. He truly retains in a practical manner the characteristics of his native land. His latch hangs outside the door.
Mr. CARVER was born in County Limerick, Ireland, in 1828, and came to the United States in 1853. He first located in Connecticut, came west in 1855, and settled in Bureau until 1859, and then located in this county. He married Mary SULLIVAN in 1857. She was born in County Kerry. Ireland. They have had two children, both deceased. Are members of the Catholic church. Mr. CARVER owns 80 acres of land, and is a thrifty, industrious, liberal citizen, taking an active part in all matters of general interest in his neighborhood. He might be classed as an Americanized Irishman.
Mr. YERGER was born in Baden, Germany, in 1828, and came to the United States in 1866, locating in Marshall county, Ill., where he married Nancy HARENDEN in 1864. She was born in this state. They have two children, William and Robert, and are members of the Catholic Church. During the war Mr. YERGER could not leave his business to serve in the army, and furnished a substitute. He is a good citizen, owns 160 acres of land, and is a thrifty farmer.
Mr. HERTLEY was born in England in 1826, and came to the United States with his parents when only three years old. They located in Wheeling, Va. He went to St. Louis in 1845, and in 1854 came to Henry, Ill., where he followed his trade of bricklayer until 1861. He purchased 160 acres of land and removed to his present homestead. He married Jane MAXWELL in 1861, born near Wheeling, W. Va. They have three children, Britt, Annie J. and Adna. He has served as school trustee several terms. He purchased 80 acres in Saratoga in 1861, and 80 acres in Whitefield township in 1871, which he maintains in excellent cultivation.
Mr. APPLEN was born in Peoria county, Ill., in 1848 and moved to Henry, Marshall county, with his mother in 1851. He is a son of Job and Elizabeth APPLEN, who came to Peoria county in 1833. Mr. APPLEN, Sr., died in 1850. Henry APPLEN married Mary WILCOX in 1869. She was born in New York in 1850. They have five children – Harry, Frank, Alice, William and Lane. Mr. APPLEN attends the M. E. church. He owns 80 acres of land with good improvements. He is a good blacksmith and the ring of his hammer is heard early and late.
Mr. DOUGHERTY was born in County Longford, Ireland, in 1830 and came to the United States in 1852, where he located in Marshall county. He lived in Senachwine township, Putnam county, 14 years, and married Mary MULHERN in 1860. She was born in County Donegal, Ireland. Their children are Sarah, Jane, John, James, Charles and Mary. They are consistent members of the Catholic church. Mr. DOUGHERTY is school director. He owns 80 acres of land in a prosperous state of cultivation. He is a liberal, generous hearted man and a good neighbor.
Mr. LOMBARD was born in Maine in 1833, and came west and located in Marshall county in 1855. He married Mary P. HAYES in 1861, born in New Hampshire. They have three children - Nellie L., Lillie D. and Charlie. He was road commissioner and school director. He is well informed upon matters of daily import, stands in good repute among citizens of the township and is a careful farmer.
Extracted June 2011 from the Biographical Department in Records of the Olden Time
Bureau Putnam La Salle | |||
Stark |
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Peoria | Woodford |