Henry Republican - 1892
07 Jan 1892
- Near Benedict, Neb., Dec 24, a son to Mr and Mrs S. H. Bell.
- In Steuben township, Dec 31, at the residence of the bride's parents. Lewis Odell and Miss Rella,
daughter of Cornelius Tanquary.
- At Rose Hill, Iowa, Dec 11, at the bride's parents, by Rev G. H Clark, Wilbur L. Orr,
of the firm of Orr, Hunter & Orr of this city and Anna A., daughter of W. H. Moore of Rose Hill.
- In this city, Jan 6, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Capt D. W. Buck, of Helena, Montana, age 49.
- At Englewood, Jan 5, Ira, only child of the late Albert E. Veeder, and nephew of Mrs. D H. Anderson of this city.
- At Lawn Ridge, Jan 3, of la grippe, Leander Powell, a prominent merchant for years in that locality.
- In Milo, Bureau county, Jan 4, of la grippe, David, 24, son of William Harney. Interment at Henry.
- Near Tonica, Dec 25, Mary, wife of Amos Ryan, and daughter of Joseph Funk of Oxbow, aged 34 years 11 months 5 days.
- At Kansas City, Mo., Dec 17, Eliza Haggarty, nee Robinson, 44, formerly of Magnolia.
A Brief Panorama of Life's Varied Scenes and
The Year's Resume of Important Local Events in Marshall County
and Vicinity
As Compiled from the Year's File of the Henry Republican
- A Happy New Year in all
- Quartery meeting at M. E. church, 4th
- Woodman had a grand all at New Opera Hall, 23d
- Prof A C Weis engaged for the year as organist and choir leader at Lacon
Catholic church.
- New Year's eve a cobweb party at residence of ex-Mayor Huirbins, seeing
the year out and new year in. A gala time
- Marketmen decorate their markets in holiday attire.
- J R Veach returns from California with oranges for the Putnam S S
- Johnny Peterman shot in the right hand, day before New Years while out
- A reception to Rev Speck and bride by his congregation of the Church of
Christ. Presentation of a silver set by J M Kirkpatrick.
- A son to Thomas L Jones, 2d
- Marriage of Laura Dayton and Wm Bromley.
- Death of R H Ruggles, 6th, the founder of this newspaper, age 63
- Death of Nellie Everett at Grand Crossing, aged 21.
- Grand social of Sparland A F & A M, 2d.
- Hi Henry Minstrels, 8th
- Leavitt and Wood Bros commence harvesting ice, 8th.
- A protracted meeting by Evangelist Perdue at Congreational church
- A surprise party to Gil Clark to crystalize his 42d birthday. A rocker
- Marriage of John A Hacket and Ella P Kirk, 8th
- Mrs Dille vists Buda and installs the officers of the W R C
- Howard Young's pension increased to $12 per month
- A surprise party to Ella Riser, in commemoration of her 17th birthday
- Mamie Kirkpatrick celebrates her 10th birthday with a party of friends
- Daughter to W Seitz, 17th
- Death of Marian, daughter of Editor Ellsworth of Lacon, 8th.
- C R Jones takes a trip to Denver
- Protracted sickness of F S Potter
- Drs Kinnear and Forrest form a copartnership.
- Sisters of Mrs Serick Fox surprise her on her 61st birthday, 20th. A
grand dinner followed.
- Revival meetings at Putnam held by Rev Ayling; 18 additions
- Temperance meeting, G N Colver making his maiden speech.
- Marriage of Abram Bell and Fannie C Horner, 22d
- An accident to Charles Gregory, resulting fatally
- Assessment of 1890 for Henry township was $360,800, equalized value
$321, 410.
- Horace Hutchins calls together a merry party to celebrate his 14th
- G W Brooks takes possession of the Baxendale barber shop
- B A Kline hardware store sold to J H Perry of Cabery.
- J H Perry, the hardware merchant, buries their infant son at Cabery,
before leaving for Henry.
- Martin Coan presented with his present homestead by Mrs. Horrom
- A surprise party to Mrs Amer Smith, and a water set presented
- Death of wife of Wm Perdew, 28th
- At Putnam, death of wife of Henry McManus
- Marriage of Lewis Bogner Jr and Gertrude Swartz, Peter Erich and Elizabeth
Schmidt; Fred Merdian and Amelia Bikerman
- Death of Henry Clift 2d
- Funeral of Mrs Thorp, at residence of her soninlaw I M Forbes
- Roads extremely rough and weather cold.
- J M Kirkpatrick read a paper on "Rain" before Horticultural meeting at
Lacon, 4th.
- A farewell surprise to Mrs Ed Keith, a taffy party, and M E hymnal
presented. The family moved to Peoria.
- Gospel temperance meeting, addressed by Mrs M B Wright.
- Elder Harry Barnett, the boy preacher, delivered two sermons to the
congregation of the Christian church.
- The Magnolia Lecture Association employ the Philomel lady quartet of
Chicago for their 2d entertainment
- Vern Kline goes into Coan's hardware store as salesman.
- Matthew Rossweg dies in Waco, Kansas at the age of 68.
- Marriage of Daniel Murnane and Frances Kemple, Wm Henneberry and
Catherine Longman, John Riggs and Bertha Brown, John C Rouch and Mrs Harriet
A Huffman
- Death of Mrs David Coan, 69
- Death of Isaac Swiger, 42
- Death of John Mattern at Peoria
- St John's church held an entertainment at Opera House, well patronized
- A taffy party at the Library room, and lots of fun for the young people
- Lenten services at Catholic and Episcopal churches, 11th
- Edward Wigand has 85 chickens a week old
- Leaving of Mr and Mrs Dennis Spellman for a residence in Chicago
- Mrs Anna Krenz, 80th birthday celebrated in Peoria by a reunion of her
children, five sons, all being present
- Third entertainment of Magnolia lecture course, Prof W W R French, a
- A daughter born 17th to Wilford Townsend, 18th, a son to John Wherry Jr,
a son to J Archie Williams, a son to John Barry
- Marriage of Wm Duffield and May Wilson
- Death of wife of Alonzo Ray, 7th
- Death of wife of R B Edwards at Lacon, 14th
- The Board of Education sells its school bonds to a Bloomington firm, at
a premium of $750
- A brilliant reception at residence of J S Thompson of Lacon, in honor of
Hon L S Wilcox and bride
- George Longman Sr moves to Nebraska
- Porter O Martin and James McCarty both locate in Nebraska
- Bruce and Leslie Wilson purchase stallion at Pontiac, said to be one
- Farmers institute at Opera House 24th. Discussion of topics in which
farmers were interested
- Thomas Runnells markets 70 shoats that averaged 285, and Wm Brokaw 66
that averaged 275
- Andrew Renz enters the employ of Duke Bros
- John Colson says it's a son
- Marriage of Dr Evans of Varna and Mrs Mollie H Glenn, David E Massie and
Luella Merritt
- Death of Mary Townley, 75, Mrs Mary Seelye, 58, Willard Bonham in
Nebraska, 35
- Duke Bros commence the erection of a large wareroom for their growing
- John Heim purchases the Spignell homestead, and commences the work of
"pulling down and building greater"
- Contract let for the new school house to T & H Colwell of Ottawa for
- Death of Mrs Annie Bickel, mother of Dr Bickel of Florid. She was 71
- Oda Scott becomes foreman of the Princeton Tribune office. He is a good
- Elder Evans gathered in 38 additions to his church at Putnam, as a
result of his meetings
- Wesley Horrom purchases the S G Worley farm – 60 acres for $3800
- Harry Niece went to Galva to take charge of a drug store
- David Huffman enters the barber business at Varna
- A small party held devotional meeting at Mrs L Horrom's, commemorating
her 79th birthday 21st
- Went and got married – Henry Dutro and Mrs Phebe Robertson, James S Weir
and Jane Arnold.
- Deaths – Elizabeth Evans, 80, Mrs Anna Everett, 81
- E E Keith enters the restaurant business at Peoria
- Sam Sperry Jr "enjoying' Job's comforters
- George Johnson drops dead in the Lacon woolen mill. He was an old resident.
- Charley Motter opens a livery stab le
- Considerable snowfall – sleighs and bells numerous and jolly
- Peter Holler's wife found dead with a bullet hole in her neck, at her home in Lacon. Her husband arrested
- Aaron Clark ships a car load of horses to his Nebraska farm
- Zimmerman & Aten move their drug stock and open business at Peoria.
- Effie Ketchum goes to Atkinson to Conduct a dressmaking establishment
- Albert Stevens and Hattie Blood take the matrimonial yoke after prayer meeting at the Congregational church
- Grace McBride's 12th birthday celebrated by a party of her mates
- A basket sociable at M E church and an enjoyable one
- The steamer Rescue commenced the spring navigation on 16th
- Henry bible society held its annual meeting at M E church
- Dr Henry Tesmer called to his long home Masonic funeral
- Emma Bonham goes to Two Harbors, Mich, to accept a position in the school there
- Prof Cook of Normal before the Magnolians, 20th
- Miss DeLine, a missionary, speaks in M E church.
- St Joseph's day, 19th, celebrated at St Joseph's church. Sermon by Rev Fr Mulgrew of Seneca. In attendance Rev Frs Mulgre, Libert, Lizee and McCarrew
- Dr A A Knapp graduates with honor from Rush College, passing the best examination of the class and assigned to hospital practice for best scholarship
- Matrimony – Lewis R Mutton of Le Grande, Oregon and Effie Stapp, Alonzo Higgins and Lillie Lombard, Otto Schuster and Maggie Sunness.
- A robbery of 68 watches and jewelry from Watercott & Co's store, burglars prying up a back window to gain admittance.
- Collector Worley reports $17,331.99 collected, $1593.15 delinquent
- J W Nichols delivers a temperance lecture at Congregational church, being an organizer under the state prohibition committee
- E H Hutchins puts in a new cash carrier.
- Times office move to opposite pot office
- D McDonough purchases the 60 acre farm of Mrs Becker of Peoria
- John Riley closes out his flour and feed store
- Julius Watercott in New York buying summer goods
- Wherry & Goltra add millinery to their dry goods business, and Miss Clara Tiel employed as milliner
- Rev C W Ayling preaches a memorial sermon at M E church, the G A R present in a body. Sermon was published
- Death of S M Garratt at Kansas City, a subject of Commiseration
- Marriage of Samuel Baxendale and Frankie Baker, at Peoria where located
- Died, Mrs Jehiel Root in La Prairie
- A E Smith brags about a new son
- Dr J H Malone, having graduated from the Chicago veterinary college, locates in Henry for the practice of a veterinary surgeon
- Marriage of Constan Coleson and Anne J Norquist, just over in Putnam county. Rev Ayling driving three miles north of town to perform the ceremony, as the license was drawn in Putnam county
- Easter services all very interesting
- Mr and Mrs John McFadyen depart for Oklahoma
- Drs Kinnear & Forrest add a new operating chair to their medical rooms
- Eli Wright buys the Hutcheson house and occupies it with his family
- Harry Niece again becomes a salesman in his father's drug store
- Mud deep and roads impassable
- G W Emerick purchases the G W Kline property on Western avenue, 160 acres, for $9075
- The merchants all have business openings.
- John Swaney, appointed by the grange, will edit a grange column in The Republican
- Lady Quartet
- Wife of J B Dille burned by her clothes taking fire. A narrow escape from a severe accident
- Citizens hold a drainage meeting and Mrssrs Paskell, Yaeger, Koehler and Potter appointed to attend the convention at Ottawa
- Town elections as usual Clerk, Joe Hilb, assessor F A Raymond collector S A Worley Commissioner Charley Motter trustee E H Hutchins
- Elder E E Bennett moves to Kekoma for a future residences and pastorate
- G A R post observed its silver anniversary by brief services at the post room on the 6th
- Death of Vincent Becker, 75
- Suicide of Mrs T Hanrahan nee Emma Herder at Racine, Wis
- S C Brown purchases the W G Snyder homestead - $2700
- Clark Swift buys town property and will build a house and locate in Henry
- Rex commenced her trips, 13th
- Wm Niblock awarded contract for building Ed Sparling's new house
- W R C employs Olive Thompson for an elocutionary entertainment
- Some one makes love to George Hall's hog, just butchered, leaving only the head.
- A series of four temperance meetings by ministers in the county – Revs Shoop, Johnson, Marsh, and Ayling
- Death of Mrs W W Hancock, a pioneer, and highly respected
- Death of Hiram Blossom at Atherton, Mo 85
- Mrs Ann Bowers called home, aged 56
- Mrs Nancy Dever, died at Lacon, 94
- Billy Siewers becomes a salesman in J Watercott & Co's store
- Drs Willis and Zellar administer the celebrated lymph to William Fountain. No apparent results ascertained.
- Receipts if the post office $200 greater than the year previous
- Teachers institute at Varna. Passed a memorial to the legislature for a uniformity in text books
- Rev Ayling delivers a temperance lecture at Congregational church, in which he handles the license question without gloves
- Sons of Veterans organize a lodge April 21. Alfred Coleman master
- Albert Bacon of Annawan purchases Billy Smith's barber shop and locates in Henry
- Geo W Keller, undertaker, succeeds the late V Becker, as undertaker of Henry.
- T J Cooney moves his saloon to its present location on the public square.
- William Wheeler of Putnam sinks an artesian well, having ample flow for farm and residence.
- City election – Mayor, J N Krenz aldermen, H D Watercott, E H Hutchins Alex Brown clerk E T Disosway; treasurer, H J Gregory
- J S Thompson Esq elected mayor of Lacon, going in with a swoop, - 200 majority
- W G Snyder bids adieu to Henry and locates on a farm in Stark county
- C C Mills, veterinary surgeon locates in Magnolia township. He is a graduate of Chicago veterinary college
- The new 10 o'clock am train, thro efforts of Postmaster Brown, to commence mail service.
- Rev G W Gue give a tree lecture on war reminiscences at M E church. He was chaplain of the 108th reg
- Wenona votes school bonds for a new school building
- AThe assessors held a consultation at Lacon and received their blanks. They set their figures high, and their work had to be deducted 18 per cent by the state board of equalization
- Death of Roy Jones, son of Lawyer C C Jones at Omaha. He was 9 years old
- A son to John Herr, 30th
- Joseph Greenlee and Mrs Joel Carson called to mourn for a sister, Mrs J H Eckley at Greenville, Iowa
- Dr Malone opens an office in the Kleinhenz building
- V M Lincoln, inaugurates a shooting tournament every Wednesday at Undercliff
- G M Locke fined $3 for firing within the city limits. He kills one of A Coleman's chickens which annoyed him, who was complainant.
- J A Melick embaks his imported flock of sheep for S Dakota for a market
- Geo W Zimmerman of Sparland adds a bay window to his residence
- Death of Mrs John Shultz of Hopewell, 69
- Death of Capt Jonathan C Kingsley at York, Neb
- School election – Guyer president, and R D Jones, L V Smith elected as members
- Mrs Mahlon Newburn has a cancer removed with the scalpel at a Chicago hospital
- The Q Q Qs under the auspices of the Congregational ladies at New Opera Hall, 13th
- The weight of mail sent out and received at Henry from April 1 to May 3 inclusive, amounted to 1913 lbs – 438 sent out 1505 received
- T W Stoner discusses "Henry as a horse market" in a forceful and vigorous manner in The Republican
- Elias Herr appointed nightwatch by Mayor Krenz
- N Green and N E Worthington nominated by the democrats for circuit judges
- May Pol dance, 20th
- Bilnd Boone, 28th
- Ascension day 7th
- Rev Ayling relieved from preaching one month owing to the la grippe and sore throat
- Sheriff Lenz on invitation, attends the hanging of Ford at Ottawa
- Death of Edith Julia Heinrich, 13, also of Fred Bonham at Chicago
- Abba Burt leaves for the hospital at Chicago, absent 7 months, returning home without benefit.
- Prof Preston King Cross engaged as principal of the Henry school with K O Booth assistant
- Republican nominations for circuit judges – Winslow Evans D P Faum and Miles A Fuller. H W Weils for supreme court
- N J Webber elected mayor of Warwick, Kan
- Albert Bacon and Patrick Green form a co-partnership as barbers
- Mrs E L Cook sells her property a Punam, and moves to Toledo, O, to live with her sons
- J R Voach returns from California to spend the summer
- Frank Deyoe in a land deal, purchases the grocery store of Joseph Schick
- Mrs S P Hill read a sermon at M E church, owing to illness of pastor
- Rev Leo Krenz returns from New Mexico, but not improved in health
- Memorial services at New Opera Hall, sermon by Rev A F Marsh of Lacon
- Miss Sadie Albertson reads an essay before the treachers institute, entitled "Primary Number Work," and published in Republican the week following
- Joseph Ball and Emma R Ward make a Ball – by marriage, 18th
- Peter Shultz and Tillie Carver united in wedlock 14th
- Death of Major A V Brown, 74, on 18th, at Clinton, Ind
- Prof W H Evans engaged for second year at Magnolia
- County W C T C held at Lacon
- Young Ladies Sodality of St Joseph church give an entertainment at New Opera Hall
- The Owl launched in Lacon, B F Scott conductor
- Prof I M Ong engaged as principal of the Wenona schools.
- Joseph Schick's young son fell from a ___ fracturing a thigh
- Seventh saloon started, Jacob Balleweg proprietor
- Hon G M Bane delivered the oration on Decoration day at Lawn Ridge.
- Richard Gell, the Lacon clothier, dies in La Prarie at the home of Rev Thomas Martin.
- Prof S W Dixon of Plymouth, engaged for the Lacon schools
- J W January, the orator of a medicine wagon, on our streets with a Concert Co.
- Demise of Horace L Hutchins, father of the merchant
- Wenona graduates a class of 11
- The J W Jones farm north of town sold to Mrs W T Law for $8000
- The Weis block to receive a plate glass front and other improvements.
- The favorite steamer Rescue commences her Saturday night excursions from Peoria, 30th.
- Mrs Harper sustains a fracture of an arm by the overturning of her carriage.
- Organization of a fire company
- Katie Vogelsang leaves Henry for Brooklyn to be absent at least a year
- Memorial services at cemetery, T F Clover, Esq orator. At Whitefield Center Rev J B Dille was the speaker
- Death of Thomas Funson at Lone Tree, 78
- Jeriah Bonham gives a write up of the Reeyes Gang, a reminiscence of the 1840 period of this section
- Wind storm 3d, many trees blown down
- Farmers alliance held a meeting at Lacon, 6th
- A Peru excursion spent Sunday at then lock fishing.
- County Horticultural fair at Lacon, 4th.
- Norton Pavilion Combination stranded in Henry 3d. No great loss even to owners.
- Sermon to "class of '91" by Rev C W Ayling, 7th
- Commencement exercises at M E church – 6 graduates Misses Ella Riley, Blanch Brown, Agnes McManus, Bertha Swift, Grace Harper and Gertie Bickerman
- Fine strawberries from the garden of Mrs Daniel Ketchum
- Death of Charles Spicknell, 41
- Ball of Henry Fire Department, 4th Parade in the afternoon
- Stephen Moon has a hand amputated in a planning mill at Chicago
- Mrs John Koch sustains a fractured limb by a fall
- Ed Southers Co play two nights at Opera House
- J E Buffum of Rockford delivers a temperance lecture at Presbyterian church on "Our boys of tomorrow"
- Election of circuit judges Shaw, Green and Worthington
- Wenona commences the building of zinc smelting works
- June 18, The Republican commenced its 40th volume
- Death of Wm Wallace, 67, Mrs Frank Towle, 31, Mrs R C Newell at Lacon
- Holler trail at Lacon – sentence 14 years in penitentiary
- Andrew Stibgen, the miller, moves to Palmyra, M_
- Masonic brethren celebrated St John's day (24th) by a picnic in Themis's hollow
- Dissolution of partnership and purchase of Capt Zeller's interest by Capt Sol York by which he becomes sole owner of steamboat Rescue
- Prohibition conference at Lacon, 26th, address by Mrs Helen M Gougar
- Mrs Eleanor Horrom gives $100 to the Temperance temple of Chicago
- John Wunder dies to Whitefield – the tallest man in the county, 6 ft 7-1/2 inches
- Peter Holler commits suicide in Lacon jail, saving a 14 years term in penitentiary
- Death of Mrs Brown Smith of Arispe
- J A Melick returns home with 55 sheep – five more than he took away
- Marriage at Denver of John Riley Jr and Lenore Hooker of Grand Rapids, Mich
- Marshall Downey enters the store of E H Hutchins to learn the business
- The assessment for Henry township for 1891 was $23,000 less than that of '90
- Charley Spangler the printer and wife, depart for Independence, Iowa
- Wenona has a new hotel – the Transient House
- Shooting of Royal Frisbey in Steuben township and arrest of James Carver and G N Culver, bailed by citizens in bond of $10,000, grand jury failed to find indictment. General opinion – justifiable homicide
- Terrell Bros circus, 29th, tent caught fire burning a number of their educated school of horses
- Death of Dr Charles Davis, 77, J A Daniels 77, Lizzie B Horan, 19, Capt H Price, 89
- Marshall Co S S convention at Wenona, 22d and 23d
- Charles Motter, liveryman, moves to the 2d street barn
- Nuptials of Maud Hutchins, daughter of A V Hutchins, to John C Hessler, at Chicago, 1st
- "The tie that binds" thrown around John Stockton and Hattie Murray
- Lyman Hunt's little son from an accident from a runaway, had an arm amputated.
- F A Raymond Sr returns his books. Mrs Raymond complimented by County Clerk Hartley for their neatness and accuracy.
- The 4th at Undercliff was a grand occasion. Speech by Hon N E Worthington. V M Lincoln conducted the day's proceedings with excellent skill and success
- McKenzie Bros purchase a restaurant at Bradford, where they go into business.
- Adrian DeLong elected chairman of the board of supervisors
- The Normal school opened at Lacon, 6th, in charge of Supt Morgan
- Annual picnic of the Lacon alumni held at Henry Islands, 24th.
- Ferry at Lacon resumed, to allow pontoon of bridge to be repaired
- John S Thompson secured the Wenona school bonds, netting the investor a little less than 5 per cent.
- Drowning of John J Reichl, a coatmaker for Hutchins & Lincoln
- The Lacon Democrat and Henry Republican selected by the Board of Supervisors as the official papers to publish the new election law.
- Rev C W Ayilug baptized 10 by immersion at the lake, and 2 by sprinkling at Undercliff, 12th
- F S Potter exhibits a new and choice blackberry, the best of that kind of fruit. It ripens early and is delicious.
- Postoffice Inspector Gardner overhauls the Henry P O, and finds the P O O K.
- James Harris of Whitefield has a Harris son
- Nuptials, 16th, of John McKenzie and Mrs A Stevens.
- Mrs Susan Martin granted a divorce from her husband Henry Martin. She resumed the same of Susan Johnson.
- Mrs Elizabeth Murrell is granted a pension of $12 a month, and $300 back pay
- Gone and got married – Lon Ray and Lois Nighswonger.
- Jack Mathews, who had run away from county farm, was found ill and taken back. He afterwards died at the farm.
- Burial of C S Edwards at Lacon. An old veteran of Marshall county.
- T F McCoy of Varna took a young son to board, and W C Patterson's taste was a daughter. How people will differ.
- Capt Henry Fisher wed Mrs E T Beaublan at Ottawa.
- Myron Worthington buried a wife and Wm Hamilton a son
- Lacon had an excursion ostensibly for Starved Rock, but La Salle only was reached
- Dr Pendleton loses a barn by fire, and Michael Mattern a hay shed containing 80 tons of hay
- Fine fishing thetse days – strings that would make your mouth water.
- Rev Father Leo Krenz assigned to Piper City, Ford county charge.
- Henry vs Lacon at the bat at Henry, 24th, a draw
- Burning of Williamson Durley's large barn near Hennepin.
- Undercliff has 80 boarders, and the rush continues. A popular summer resort, and V M Lincoln and his sons are excellent caterers.
- Geological surveyors at the Paskell House, taking maps of the Illinois valley
- School census taken by John Morgan – total children under 21, 593; under 16, 450, under 6, 126, number school children 461, 14 less than in 1890.
- Elder C M McCurdy of Toulon preaches to a good audience on "Enthronement of the Mind"
- Mrs George Worley buries her father Miles Wheeler at Verona.
- Marshall Co Horticultural society held mid summer meeting at Henry.
- Ezra Calef returns from New England, absent 6 months
- Rescue ran a Sunday excursion from Chillicothe to LaSalle, to witness a ball game
- Nuptials of Dr B F Forrest and Cora Tiel, at Belvidere
- Wedded at Lacon, Benj F Scott, editor of Owl, and Mae Smith
- Death of two prominent Marshall county men – Rev R N Morse and Charles Parker both of Wenona
- Wm Niblock awarded the contract for building the new Christian church for $2027
- Two suicides – John Crayton cast of Lacon and David Whitlow west of Sparland
- Ernest Ponzer becomes principal of the Putnam school, and Ranney Vall one near Lone Tree
- Hyers Sisters at Opera House. Full house
- Andrew Greser's horse "Little George" a winner at Ottawa
- Elder Boyer Lectured in Henry on "Is Christianity Declining"
- Henry vs Lostant, 4 to 2 for Henry
- A number of citizens present Memorial Records to Lookout Mt Post G A R with imposing ceremony. Geo M Bane made the presentation speech. Rev C W Ayling responded for post, and Rev G W Gue delivered the oration.
- Criticism of Supervisors for granting Co Attorney Barnes $50 on the Holler trial in excess of his regular salary.
- Demise of R N Clark, 76 Funeral from New Jerusalem church, conducted by Rev C W Ayling.
- Death of Mrs. Albert Stickel at Putnam.
- Summer teachers' drill at Lacon Prof Barton of State University in attendance.
- Lawn sociable at George Nicholson's.
- Nightwatchman Herr made a drinking water tank a fire extinguisher and put out a fire in Squire Disosway's office, saving the building
- The fish warden is enforcing the fish law, and a number of fines imposed.
- Charles Fosbenner sells his residence in Wenona, and moves to California
- Death of Elizabeth Haws, 92, at Magnolia
- St John's Episcopal church purchase a new organ
- German parsonage sold to J J Merdian.
- M E church purchase a new pipe organ.
- A new National cash register at Dr Powell's drug store
- Born, a son to Aaron Rapp.
- Nuptials – Emery Carpenter of La Porte Co, Ind, and Helen Gregory.
- Deaths – Edward Murphy of Putnam 58; Amasa Garrett, 74; wife of Daniel Betz, 81.
- Another Lacon suicide – Elijah Holloway.
- Grange picnic at Undercliff – grange day Wednesday, temperance day Thursday.
- The sanitarium of Drs Kinnear & Forrest for the morphine habit is prosperous, having numbers of patients.
- Lacon schools opened on 31st
- Death of Mrs Frank Kline, 22
- Write-up of Sparland and Varna by The Republican's missionary.
- Removal of Prof Harnett and family to Chicago, with best wishes from their friends for their success
- Residence of H H Kirchman ignited by lightning during a thunder storm, but extinguished by daughter.
- Ys elect officers with Anna Bell for present.
- Close of second year's pastorate of Rev C W Ayling 6th. Jug breaking at evening service.
- Big Bend Reunion and Old Settlers' picnic, Sept 8-11.
- Passenger trains now carry 8 mails each way daily.
- Campbell Bros add Music rooms to their jewelry store, stocking it heavily with a variety of musical merchandise.
- The Bridge Co issue commutation tickets, good each way until used.
- New Church picnic on the lawn at residence of ex Judge W H Williams near Putnam.
- Purchase of the Rogers house by James Hartley, the blacksmith. Now, where's the housekeeper?
- Frank Ebaugh again in charge of the pilot house of the Rescue.
- E J Riely graduates from the Dwight cure.
- Melon social by Christian congregation.
- Rev A F Marsh preaches first sermon after vacation, 6th.
- Jacob Syphers fell thro a hole in a barn loft, and was saved a bad accident by striking upon a horse in his descent.
- Mr and Mrs E H Heath accompany their little son to the blind asylum for a source of instruction.
- Magnolia grange will enforce the game and trespass laws of the state.
- Capt York sells the Rescue to the Green River Packet Co.
- Show day – Dick's Circus, traveling by wagon, and Robinson's Museum, traveling by boat. The balloon ascension and parachute drop by Prof W H Jones a sky rocket success.
- Births – sons to J H Perry and Wm E Ketchum and daughter to Timothy Hunt.
- Nuptials – John Dauber and Katie Barnes, 9th, and Will S Hannum and Gladys Cotney, 3d.
- Elder J E Parker, the young preacher, officiated morning and evening at Sunday services here, and is a very promising young minister.
- Simeon Doyle breaks the record on oat hauling – 194 bushels 22 lbs, hauled 7 miles on a Birdsell wagon sold by Duke Bros.
- Marriage of Thomas Duke and Mry F Bishel.
- Mrs Howard Young injured in a runaway at Peoria.
- Minnie Horr returns to school at Baybrook, 7th year.
- Nuptials of Morgan Hartsock and Laura B McNiel at Melvin, O.
- A Nebraska wedding, John Weeks and May B Smith at Kearney.
- Nick Denu had a leg broken in a scuffle.
- Goltra building Clark Swift's new house, and Wm Niblock one for Thomas Harrington.
- Anton Gaab's daughter swallowed a wire fence staple, but no injury came of it.
- S P Hill was the lay delegate to Central M E conference at Moline, J O Hill from Whitefield, and Porter Webber from La Prairie.
- Mrs Anton Hank terribly gored by a ferocious bull.
- Sept 19, last trip of the Rescue on the Illinois river She was sold for $6750.
- Births, son to Michael McBride, and daughters to T F Clover, J P Herry and Caleb Condit.
- Nuptials, Augustus Stover and Ada Freeman
- Mrs G M Locke elected president of W O T U, and Ella Heath secretary.
- M E conference assigned Rev Wm Woolley to Henry, Rev Dille to Whitefield, and Rev Ayling to Normal.
- Mary Krenz falls, breaking an arm, while housekeeping for her priestly brother at Piper City.
- Wm Schlosner amputated three fingers and a thumb in a revolving cylinder of a threshing machine.
- J R Paskell awarded the contract to carry mail to and from the depot.
- Rev A Bower of Hennepin the possessor of a fig tree loaded with delicious, ripe figs.
- Wm Wheeler of near Putnam puts in water works to his residence and heats by steam.
- A farewell reception to Master Gilbert Ayling at Mattie Orr's, his S S classmates being present.
- G W Fuller dies at Chicago. He married his wife at Henry, Malvina Kellogg, who survives, as also two children.
- Birthday party to Ina Divilbiss, by her grandparents Mr and Mrs S P Hill – 11 years old.
- Death of Mrs Madison Durley at Chicago, 18th; burial at Hennepiin.
- Birthday dinner to David Coan, 21st, celebrating his 75th anniversary.
- The Varna Herald office moved to Wenona.
- The Henry public school adopts a course of study.
- Grace Griswold leaves for Chicago to study reporting by short hand.
- Earthquake shock felt by many residents, 26th.
- W R C convention, 17th, Mrs J B Dille save the address of welcome, Mrs Jennie Cunningham of Chillicothe the response. Mrs L M Raymond presided.
- A son to Fred Morgan born.
- Death of Carrie Louise Schneider, daughter of F S Potter, Esq at Chicago, __th. Buried at Henry.
- Deaths, at Putnam, son of John Bell; near Caledonia, son of Charles Harper.
- The Frankie Folsom attempted to handle the business of the Rescue after it left the river, but left the trade after a brief trial.
- Dr A A Knapp enters hospital practice at Chicago.
- Hen turkey of F H Goodrich laid 127 eggs during the season, without making an attempt at setting. Profitable fowl.
- Horticultural Society at Lacon, 5th and 6th.
- Magnolia grange fair, 7, 8, 9.
- New school house accepted and contractor paid off and discharged.
- Births – daughters to J L Turney and Albert Longman.
- Went and married Lydia A Fosdick, did Robert S Erwin. Who had a better right?
- Whitefield post office made a postal not office.
- Sale of the abandoned Whitefield church and contents at auction.
- At Peoria, suicide of Dewitt C Clark, a brother of Mrs Dr Taylor of Magnolia.
- The dam, which had spring a leak, was repaired.
- Dry goods firm of Wherry & Goltra dissolve, J E Goltra retiring.
- C R Jones, W M, representing Henry lodge of Masons at grand lodge.
- S L Case while visiting in Kewanee "took suthin" that made him think he had been poisoned. What do they give a feller out there anyhow?
- O H Tyler visits Old Kentuck, from where he had been gone over 80 years.
- H S Howard of Lacon receives a paralytic stroke, so afflictive as to render him helpless and a confirmed invalid.
- Jacob Fosbenner buys the Schick grocery store of Frank Deyoe, and becomes a business man of Henry. Just the man for the business, and is doing well.
- St Joseph's parish had another entertainment at the Opera House on the 15th
- Chicken pie supper at Opera House by ladies of Congregational church. It went off successfully.
- Death of Prof A C Weis at Spring Valley, 52.
- U S express changes agents, H J Gregory succeeding Dr F A Powell
- A season of 40 hours devotion at St Mary's church, commencing 18th. Rev Frs Freishoff, Schnell and Kuchenbach assisting.
- The grand jury in the Culver-Carve-Frisbey case stood 16 against and 7 for indictment.
- Nuptials of James Hartley and Nellie Gorman.
- Sons to Wm Meier and Wm Marshall sent to bless their homes.
- Whitefield S S convention – speaking by J M Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J B Dille, J H Jones, Rev A C Price. J O Hill presided. Also an evening session.
- Theo Bickerman sells his farm of 485 acres to Conrad Meister.
- Fred Becker becomes an employee of J N Ward & Co, Peoria.
- H K Smith's vegetable man prodigy was on exhibition at J D Stubbles's for some days.
- George Gregory's little son falls in a closet, breaking a bone of the arm at the elbow.
- Rev L G Landenburger of Joliet preaches for the New Church folks on Sunday, the 18th. An eloquent speaker.
- J R Harriman sustains a sprained ankle in a runaway wreck, and laid up several weeks at the Camp House.
- Roger Merritt assaulted by some after night villain. Both had a rough and tumble knock down, but the fleet footed stranger took to his heels and decamped. He met the wrong man that time.
- J F Coan takes his ssalesman Frank E Bush into partnership, the firm name being changed to Coan & Bush.
- S S Merritt awarded two first premiums on butter at State fair.
- Postmaster DePue of Lacon inspected the Henry office and reported business methods excellent in every respect.
- Our bicyclists, five in number, wheeled it to Bradford one Sunday
- John Peterman adds a new bay window to his residence.
- Mrs John Monier moves into the city, and then buys the Guyer homestead for her occupancy.
- The insurance of $2000 on the life of Edward Murphy in the Modern Woodmen, was paid to the widow.
- Death of Mrs J R Veach at Pasadena, Cal, 89.
- Marriage of Joseph Schafer, the Peoria journalist, and Helena Yaeger, 27th.
- Death of Marshall Downey, 78, Mrs Margaret Parker, mother of Samuel Parker, 88; Robert Patton, 77
- High school bell raised to the tower of the new school house, by Theo Bickerman & Co
- Rev Fr Leo Krenz transferred to Denver, seeking a change of climate for his health.
- H W Ruggles crippled by a jump from a wagon.
- The Henry dancing club organized for the winter, O C White president.
- Dwight Morgan receives a shock of paralysis, and carried to the house from the gate. Has been improving since.
- La Prairie S S convention. Interesting session.
- Teachers' Institute at Henry, 31st.
- Grand Cloak opening of J H Jones & Son – 4th annual sale.
- Lacon to have electric lights. Where's Henry?
- Grand opening of the public school building, 2d. Schools leave the old buildings and occupy the new building the 3d.
- Demise of Ann D Worley, 85, William Fountain, 83; Nellie Widmer, 28.
- Silver wedding of Mr and Mrs E G Sparling, most beautiful presents and grand supper. Their new residence dedicated.
- "Braving the World," comedy at New Opera House, 9th.
- C R Jones takes a trip to Arkansas and New Orleans.
- Death of Charles D Arms at Oketo, Kan. He was formerly a grain buyer at Wenona.
- Hayden & Holmes open a livestock exchange at Henry.
- Rev D F Carnahan, the representative of the American educational aid society for finding homes for homeless waifs, raised $80 here for that benevolence.
- Good Tidings service at M E church, 1st.
- Inquest of Peter Lovealle of Hopewell at Toluca, ran over by a Santa Fe train.
- Clint G Ford's company play three nights at New Opera Hall.
- Eliphalet Ketchum purchases the residence of John Miller for $875.
- Death of L T Leech of Hennepin, 58; Michael Wolf of Mt Palatine, 59, the heaviest man in this section, weighing 426 lbs; Mrs Charles Peterson of Putnam, 21.
- Births – a son to Albert D Stevens, and daughter to George Heider.
- Thanksgiving sermon by Rev William Wooley.
- Thanksgiving dinner and fair by the ladies of M E church. Extensively patronized.
- Death of Mrs Hartley Malone at Varna. One of the old settlers of that part of our county.
- The Eagleston farm in Whitefield sold at auction to John Peterman for $4750, or $46.75 per acre.
- Death of Thomas J Mathis in Iowa.
- Marshall Co Board of Agriculture elect new officers, Thomas Monier as president and Frank Leavitt as secretary.
- Rev C E Marsh the new Congregational pastor at Lawn Ridge.
- The defunct Gazette at Wenona moved to Chicago.
- Births – daughters to Wm Hamilton and Thomas Brady.
- Nuptials – Homer Swife and Dillie Rowe; Ross H Gregory and Eldorado Fansey; Willard Kenyon and Violena Hosen.
- Prof Koch resigns as organist, and Vinnie Harper succeeds him at the Episcopal church.
- Council passes an ordinance defining the duties of a board of health, and Mrssrs Emerick, Niece, and Koehler appointed such board by the mayor.
- Soldier vets F H Goodrich and Walter Scott granted pensions.
- Sutton's Uncle Tom's Cabin at New Opera House one night.
- Winter term of public schools opened Dec 7.
- Demise of Wm T McKenzie at the age of 86.
- Mrs Mahlon Newburn passes away at Hennepin and is buried at Henry
- Death of Lara Field, 11 years of age
- Several worthy graduates from the Keeley Cure at Dwight – Sherman Glenn, Caleb Forbes, Howard Young, Orrin L Myers, James Chambers, Wm Shields, Ben Walker, Nels Gibbons, P C Bacon, and others.
- Assessment of Marshall county reduced 18per cent by the State Board of Equalization.
- Incipient fire at John Kline's furniture factory extinguished by its worthy owner.
- Illinois river frozen over during the last cold snap.
- Geo A Burt departs for a commercial course at the Davenport Business College.
- Mr and Mrs W H Worley observe their 36th wedding anniversary by a dinner of the family
- "Pete Peterson," the popular Swede comedy, given a good house.
- Elias Herr chosen truant officer at a salary of $25 per year.
- H H Kirchman attends grand lodge I O O F at Springfield, representing Marshall lodge at Henry.
- Third anniversary of wedded life celebrated by Mr and Mrs Frank Deyoe, with a dinner.
- A G Humphrey caught 9 premiums on fancy fowls at the Fat Stock Show.
- G C Griswold sold four cockerels at the Fat Stock Show, for the round sum of $80.
- Prof S B McClusky inaugurates a singing school here, the Sparland quartette assisting the first night.
- Births – daughters to Lyman Hunt and Geo P Merdian
- Dath of Asher Norton, 66 on the 26th; Mrs Wm Chambers, 77, on the 30th.
- Mrs Asher Norton appointed school treasurer of Whitefield, and C L Loomis supervisor, to fill vacancy by the death of Mr Norton.
- Thanksgiving dinner and fair of Putnam Christian church netted $82.
- Mr and Mrs Lewis I Beck celebrate their golden wedding in California, 18th.
- Mrs R M Tremain called to Kansas to nurse a sick mother.
- Death of Hon Andrew Bell from apoplexy.
- Fred Thompson and P H McManus have a foot race, and Thompson gets there
- Lawrence Lippert ships 40 hogs, averaging 400 each, 40 teams conveyed them to market.
- Supervisors borrow $2500 to liquidate county expenses.
- School house awarded a silk flag by the citizens.
- The examination of the fall term held in all the rooms.
- Death of Mrs John Dressier, 70.
- Jeriah Bonham meets with an accident, being severely shook up by a fall.
- Lacon initiated a lecture course, musical and literary.
- Marriage of John Gregory and Mrs Sarah Gregory in Indiana.
- Ladies of Chirstian church give a public dinner and are liberally patronized.
- Fisk Tennnessceans give a concert at the hall Paying house.
- Capt York awards the contract for a new steamboat, and expects to launch the flyer about the middle of March, 1892.
- The census of Marshall county, as taken in 1890, is 18,468, some 1402 less than in 1880.
- The county expenses for 1891 foot up $24,000 – being $12,000 more than in 1886. And why?
- Mrs Mary A Livermore lectured at Lacon 16th on "What shall we do with our husbands?"
- L C McMurtrie makes a fine coroner. He held inquests upon the body of James Crotchet and P Donnelly.
- Henry Hough takes the suicide route. He was deputy sheriff in McLean county.
- Death of Mrs Samuel Parker at Chicago; burial at Henry, 16th.
- A difficulty hors combat between Jos Schieck and son Edward, in which a revolver figured, amicably settled.
- Christmas tree services – M E church at New Opera Hall, cantata, and two trees; Congregational church, a tree and singing and recitations, New Church, recitations, and present distribution.
- Episcopal services at midnight, 24th to commemorate the advent of Christ.
- Christmas day services at Episcopal and Catholic churches.
- Mrs J G Miles finds a burglar in her home who gets away without identification, also Mrs Harper one in her cellar.
- John Heim enlarges his market and puts in a new ice closet.
- Dedication of new Chirstian church 27th. A fine building. The church debt of $1100 provided for.
- Masons elect C R Jones W M and E T Disosway secretary.
- Oscar Hill and J S Townsend and wives Maude McVicker and P Doran spend the winter in California.
- James Chambers given a school at Boyd's Grove. His Dwight cure a great success.
- Marriage of Charles Everett and Mrs M J Stephens.
- The analysis of the Henry artesian well by James Steele chemist student of Champaign university found healthful and medicinally beneficial.
- Dedication of new church of Christ by Dr L L Carpenter of Wabash, Ind. Total cost $3200.
- Total expense of new school building $24,640.
- Anthony Chance loses a purse of about $190, and charges theft. John Swiger and John Johns arrested.
- Charles Booth appointed station agent at Spring Valley commenced work Dec 29.
- Death of Mrs James Frye nee Mary Cook, at Eureka Springs, Ark, daughter of the late Watson Cook.
- Nuptials of Charles Everett and Mrs M J Stephens, 26th. Residence Chaltenham, Cook county.
- Protracted meeting at new Christian church conducted by Elder Gilliland.
- Royal Olmsted gone to New Jersey to visit his aged mother.
- George Helper purchases the building in which is the Helper & Adams market for $1100.
- Dr Jones and family leave for Chicago to spend the winter. The doctor to take a course of medical lectures and homeopathic doses of homeopathy.
- James and John Steele form a partnership with John Kline in the furniture business, wholesale and retail, and also undertaking.
- The Morgan family at Putnam celebrate the 55th marriage anniversary of Mrs Clara E Morgan at Dwight Morgan's residence. Four generations present.
- Clark Swift builds a new house in Henry, and moves from the farm the 1st of the new year.
- Samuel Clift remodeling his Whitefield home.
- Death of Mrs James Gallup at Sparland.
- Holiday dance of the Henry Terpsichorean club. Grand time Willis's orchestra furnishing the music.
- Birth – daughter to A L Gilpin 2d
- This ends the year's record. Exit 1891.
Transcribed 08 Jan 2019 by Norma Hass from the Henry Republican, 07 Jan 1892, portions of pages 1 and
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